September 4, 2008

2 Stars Down...

2 stars to go. Then the binding. Then the label. Then I'm done. Ahh...

Another "in the mean time" for ya....I got these at the orphanage store at the Matamoras Children's Home when we were there doing dental work during spring break. They teach the girls to sew (great skill!) and then they sell their handiwork in their little store along with other handmade goodies. I bought every single one. I also bought 3 bags, gave one to Casey (Dance Kittens!), one was a temporary baby quilt bag, and the other holds my gym clothes that have been in the back of my car for at least a month now. At least I'm always prepared to go...
I think they're great and I would like to add to the bounty. I can see a hexagon-based snowman, and I think that this format could easily be turned into a manger scence with some wise men, shepherds, Mary, Joseph, angel or two and a Baby Jesus in a manger. Or, in light of the hill country-themed tree I've been developing, some good ole Texas Lone Stars. In my spare time, I know....

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