July 4, 2011

Hattie's Quilt

Here's my niece-on-the-way's new quilt!

Please bear with the bad lighting and iPhone shots as we are in camera transition : )  It's getting a little old.

Miss Hattie Jane is set to make her appearance maybe late this month?  Next month?  Her sister was 3 weeks early and her quilt was sooo not finished, so I'm glad that I have this one waiting in the nursery for her!

I used Michael Miller's Large Whimsy and Kona White to make these coins and gave it a good stipple.

And there's some monkeys on the back ; )

So here's Hattie and her mom on the left at 34ish weeks and me and Austin/Audrey at 31ish weeks!

Guess I should get started on his/her quilt!!!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Love the quilt!! And the picture of us :)