May 31, 2009

Miss Riley Bliss' Quilt

I made my first quilt a little over 3 years ago for Angel's first child, Savannah. I was so excited about quilting I decided that I would just go ahead and make 3 quilts, all exactly the same. Crazy? Manic, even? Probably. But I just kept on sewing. I figured that there'd be other friends and family having kids, and eventually I'd join the ranks of motherhood...

Funny thing, is that once the babies really started coming in the lives of those around me, instead of giving them one of the quilts I had already made, I chose to buy all sorts of cute fabrics (no!) and try out different blocks (heavens!) and attempt to make my quilts fit in with their nurseries (never!).

So, this quilt top sat in my stash for 3 years. It only seemed appropriate to make it up to match Savannah's when Angel had her third child, Miss Riley Bliss. The pink backing is different, the tied bows are much more secure, and the binding is much, much better. It was hard to finish it as the piecing is nothing that I would now approve of, but it's way fun that it was pieced at the same time as her big sister's. The tied bows cover a multitude of sins...

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