May 30, 2009

So much going on lately...

I realized I have a quilt (or several quilts) in just about every stage of the process...





Quilted with the binding ready to go...

I haven't been able to get on with the t-shirt quilt lately. I had Roxy in the animal hospital for a dental cleaning and extraction on Thursday and was still nursing her back to normal Friday. My mom has needed a little help (and company for lunch dates) as she broke her big toe last weekend. Today Erik and I entertained for the first time in our new home we just finished building and spent the day trying to make it as "presentable" as possible. I'm also trying to finish that white baby quilt up as Miss Riley Bliss arrived on Friday and needs her quilt! (to match her big sister Savannah's!) Hopefully tomorrow will yield some quality time to get that quilt top pieced. Then I have to figure out how to back it! And quilt it... by Saturday??? Yikes.

1 comment:

Jackie's Stitches said...

The good thing about having quilts in each stage of progress is that no matter what you feel like doing, you have a WIP waiting for you!

Congratulations on your new home!