June 7, 2009


Just a realization that today is the one year mark for this here craft blog!
Thanks to everyone who stops my little spot here! It's still strange to imagine people all over the world might actually be interested in what I do here in the Lone Star State. It's fun for me to be able to look back at this record of my crafting and if you find it interesting and maybe even helpful, all the better!
Super thanks to all my "blog friends" for all the inspiration and resources and tips and everything that I have learned from you to make my crafting and quilting better and easier and more productive! I know my quilts have gotten so much better over the years and it really is all because of you! People ask me how I learned to quilt and I tell them "blogs and youtube!"
So, happy blogiversary to me! I might have a bowl of ice cream later to celebrate...then I go back to school tomorrow. Ah, summer school...


Jackie's Stitches said...

Happy Blogiversary! One year is a long time! I love your blog!

Nessa Dee said...

Happy blogiversary! The pics of the kitchen are great..I've got some ideas in my head already. As for the quilt, I'm probably going to send you some pictures of some quilts that catch my eye in terms of colors and give you creative license on the rest. The thought of narrowing down fabric choices is overwhelming.

sewtakeahike said...

Yes, happy blog anniversary indeed!